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Thursday, 29 August 2024

Short Term Outbound Mobility Programme to UiTM, Malaysia ??

A one month program (online and offline) included an academic module and a city tour. 2 students from Interior Design @fsrdusakti had joined the outbound mobility to Malaysia.









Thank you so much @hdiijakarta @ideasuitmpalam @soia.matters for the opportunities!!

Also, congratulations to our mentor from @interior.trisakti, kak @m.x177oer, and student @sofyarana24, whose group’s work was selected as “Best Modular Bamboo Sculpture.”

Additionally, congratulations to kak @febrinarinn and @aboutanyth1ng, whose group 8’s work was awarded an honorable mention. ✨

May this program remain as a wonderful moment for the students and everyone involved ??????

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