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Jumat, 23 Agustus 2024

Dear Trisakti Muda…., Welcome to @usakti_official @fsrdusakti @interior.trisakti

This is more than just a campus. It’s a community that will challenge you, inspire you, and support you in ways you never imagined ??️

You’re about to create memories, friendships (also romances ☺️) and experiences that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Welcome to your new home.
You must be so proud to be part of this campus ✨

Ps: Universitas Trisakti masih membuka pendaftaran mahasiswa baru melalui jalur rapor, nilai UTBK, tes CBT dan Portofolio serta RPL/pindahan.

Khusus prodi Desain Interior dan prodi FSRD Usakti lainnya, tersedia gadget seharga 16jt Rupiah bagi calon mahasiswa baru yang mendaftar hingga tanggal 7 September 2024.

‼️Register NOW: ‼️

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